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Mike Kubarth, Lead Author
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JM |
03-21-2014 @ 7:03 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
Mike, what is your estimated target date for taking this to the printer?
40topless |
06-02-2015 @ 3:24 PM
Posts: 38
Joined: Jun 2015
About your book. Will there be much on sedan deliveries? When will it be out. Mark
kubes40 |
06-03-2015 @ 5:25 AM
Posts: 3467
Joined: Oct 2009
Mark, The only things that will apply to a sedan delivery are those that are the same as the passenger vehicles. Things unique to the sedan delivery will not be addressed.
HotrodFrankie |
08-17-2015 @ 7:11 AM
Posts: 23
Joined: Aug 2015
Hi Mike I'm a nebie to this site. I will be building a 40 Ford convertible but it is in pieces. I build cars and am a retired tech writer so documentation is high priority for me. The top is not attached and I would like it to be before winter comes. will there be any info on the convertible top frame and installation. If not any idea where I can get this info. GM has assembly manuals but I don't see anything like that for Fords. Waiting with baited breath for your book. Best regards Hotrod Frankie
11-16-2016 @ 8:41 PM
Posts: 10
Joined: Aug 2015
hi Mike--looking for info on 40 CONV window glass installation mainly pass. side! THANKS, Bruce Bel Air, Md. (410) 456 3784C
patterg2003 |
11-08-2020 @ 9:02 AM
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Joined: Jan 2018
I bought the first version of the Early Ford V-8 clubs book on restoring a 1940 Ford. It did not have the depth of information that I needed. I have a 1940 Ford Convertible that came from an old gentleman that needs many parts and reassembly. I have been collecting parts and trying to stay out in front of them going out of production. It would be great if the new 1940 Ford restoration manual was published. I patiently check in from time to time to see if there is any progress on the book and glean any information for a 40 Ford that I can. My plan is to start on the car in the spring. You did an amazing job of restoring the 1940 Ford convertible & among many things tease what you did with the trunk lid. The editing process has been going on for a while. I say this with the greatest of respect. As one perfectionist to another please do not chase perfection. I once read that a perfectionist will never finish a big project. In the perfectionist subconscious mind if a work still needs one tiny detail then it is not done. The work is incomplete so it cannot be judged. Perfectionists have a lot of near finished projects. Reading on perfectionism is where I saw myself & learned that I have to push through, finish it, accept that it is done and be comfortable that it is better work than most can accomplish. There is no comprehensive book on restoring a 1940 Ford. Time is marching on where many of us may in the next short years be too old to work on these old cars, to finish a book or time runs out without notice. Time has claimed many great people on short notice to the hobby including the human library Bruce Lancaster. I have read every bit of your threads & advice in recent years on this forum and the Ford Barn for the 1940 Fords. Clearly a master and a deep well of information that needs to be preserved. I would encourage you to wrap up the manual and if it has a few warts that lends character which is fine. There is never too much information. There could be a link to an on-line album of photos that physically cannot not fit in the book made available to buyers of the book. The album would be a big compliment and if a picture is worth a thousand words the album would be priceless & save a lot of writing. The new manual will be at altitudes above anything currently available on the 1940 Ford and will be a treasured legacy out in the world. In the meantime I will quietly & patiently follow your work & look forward to the release of the new restoration manual.
kubes40 |
11-08-2020 @ 10:27 AM
Posts: 3467
Joined: Oct 2009
patterg2003, I've had a few folks tell me in so many words "don't allow perfection to get in the way of good enough". I have done my best to do just that. Still, there is no switch that shuts off OCD. Lord knows, at times I wish there was. This book will be completed as do all of my projects. I have never been accused of leaving things incomplete. All I can tell you as of today is that the book is fully written. The editing and preparing the works for the printer is not an easy feat. It is however, being worked on near daily. If I were to hazard a guess as to when it will be available... during 2021.
Mike "Kube" Kubarth
patterg2003 |
11-08-2020 @ 2:19 PM
Posts: 2
Joined: Jan 2018
Mike, Thank you. I can empathize with the effort to put together a such big project. There likely is so much information learned with decades of working on 40 Fords to organize then more details likely come to mind as the book progresses that try to work their way in to the book. Your attention to detail makes for great cars and will make for a great book. It is a mix of OCD & enjoying the warm glow of doing quality work. all the best, Glenn
40Cabriolet |
09-04-2022 @ 10:15 AM
Posts: 2
Joined: Aug 2022
Interesting, I have two outside rear view mirrors and the passenger side is useless. Are these the wrong ones for this car? TIA
1934 Ford |
08-19-2024 @ 8:48 AM
Posts: 580
Joined: Oct 2009
As to the question about the mirror: I think the hinge mounted mirror brings the visibility was up where the driver can see. It involves removing the hinge pin, but worth the effort. I would use the same thing on the passenger side with a convex stick on mirror added to it. I know correctness is important, but my & my families safety is more important.
1934 Ford's since 1972