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Upcoming Events

Wed 4/9/25 thru Sat 4/12/25
2025 Early V-8 Texas Driving Tour
We are glad to finally announce the 2025 Early V-8 Texas Driving Tour, based in Hallettsville Tx.
This will be a back to basics driving tour, inspired by a National Driving Tour your organizers attended. There will be four days of driving through the Texas countryside, mostly on two lane roads. We will visit several historical Texas Revolution sites on our travels. If you are interested you can join for all four days of touring. For those who prefer a shorter tour we still have something for you, you can arrive on Friday and join for just Saturday’s fun. Saturday’s drive is more local, visiting the painted churches around Schulenburg Tx. If you want something in between you can join on Thursday or Friday and stay through Saturday.
We are striving for an affordable tour. We are controlling cost so that each participant can do as much or as little as they desire. We have not seen a Texas Tour done like this before, so we don’t have a prediction on how many people will participate on each day. Since we cannot predict the number of participants for any given day, the museum entry fees and meals are not included in the tour registration. Registration fee will cover a tour book and a Friday evening ice cream social.
There will be a follow up email with tour registration information including cost and a registrar's phone number.
The host hotel is the Hotel Texas in Hallettsville Tx, phone 361-798-5900, website: http://www.hoteltexas.net/#/
More information to follow.
Thank you,
Fred Mills
Location: Hallettsville, Texas
Sat 6/21/25
National Drive Your V-8 Day
Annual National Drive Your V-8 Day. Whether you take your Ford Motor Company vehicle out alone or join a group, this is the day. Enjoy your ride, share your ride, but no matter have fun.
Don't forget to take a membership application along to hand out to interested parties. And don't forget to bring your camera to record your adventure. The V-8 TIMES editor would be interested in you sharing your drive.
Location: Everywhere
Sun 6/22/25 thru Thu 6/26/25
2025 Central National Meet
Just announced!
2025 Central National Meet sponsored by the Northern Illinois Regional Group #8.
To be held in Springfield Illinois
For More Info:

Fri 6/27/25 thru Sun 6/29/25
2025 Scandinavian V-8 Meet
2025 Scandinavian V-8 Meet hosted in Norway. Contact Per Oivind Martinsen
Mano Fiendom AS
Bryggegata 14
0250 Oslo, 922 55 501
Location: Oslo, Norway
Tue 8/5/25 thru Sat 8/9/25
Hidden Treasures National Driving Tour
An enjoyable back road drive in southern Minnesota and northern Iowa. Lots of 'hidden treasures' to see along the way.
We will be spending multiple days with new destinations and sites everyday.
Starting in Rochester Minnesota we will include Clear Lake Iowa, Okoboji Iowa, Worthington Minnesota, Walnut Grove Minnesota and end up in New Ulm Minnesota.
Most driving days will be around 150 miles. Plenty of time then to take in the 'Hidden Treasures' along the way.

Registration information is attached. We look forward to see you in August.
Downloadable File(s):