Henry's V-8
A Landmark in Automotive History
Most dyed-in-the-wool V-8 enthusiasts - regardless of what year Ford they own - are pretty well acquainted with the facts behind the development of the Ford V-8 engine. In case you're not,
however, we've put together this collection of articles that we think will help you fill in empty spaces in your expertise:
About the Ford V-8
1932 - 1957 Photos of Henry with V-8 Engines
Henry's Legacy, The Unconventional Story of the Ford V-8
Development & Introduction of the Ford V-8
How Fast Will a Stock 1933 Ford V-8 Engine Go?
Who Designed the Ford V-8 Engine
How to get 160 horsepower from a Ford V-8-60
Who Put The EMI-SUL Heads on the Ford V-8-60?
1941 Famous Ford V-8 Engine
How Empathy Engineered the First V-8 Engine