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Membership Benefits

We Invite You to Become a Member

Our organization is devoted to the preservation and authentic maintenance of vehicles manufactured by the Ford Motor Company for the model years 1932 through 1953 inclusive, and to serve as an accurate and technical source of information concerning these automobiles for the benefit of its members as well as the general public. Not all of our members own an Early Ford, Lincoln or Mercury, but each one appreciates and enjoys them. Owning one is not a requirement for membership.

Membership, V-8 Times & Roster One Year Three Year
Country Regular Joint Regular Joint
United States $45 $50 $125 $135
Canada $70 $75 $175 $185
Rest of the World $85 $90 $225 $235
Periodicals postage paid at San Diego, CA and at additional mailing offices
Membership Only One Year
      Regular Joint
U.S. & Foreign     $10 $10
Digital Membership One Year
U.S. & Foreign     $25
Click Here to Join Now!
NOTE: Sales outside the U.S. are payable by international money order in U.S. funds, or by credit card (MC/Visa).

Discover how much fun a hobby can be!

Benefits of Becoming a Member

The Early Ford V-8 Club has members in every state. Our members usually belong to Regional Groups and almost every State has at least one Regional Group. As a member of a Regional Group, you have the resources of the group to support you in the hobby. Members usually know where to obtain the correct parts, can recommend suppliers of Ford V-8 parts and might be able to help you during a repair or restoration. Socially, they usually plan car cruises, outings, garage tours, swap meets, picnics and other activities.

  • "Restoration Guide" Books - Available for sale to our members. These have been written by the most knowledgeable experts and are a great help in your restoration or judging.
  • The V-8 TIMES - Our award winning bi-monthly 100+ page magazine, THE V-8 TIMES, is acclaimed as one of the best car club magazines anywhere. As a member you will receive the magazine which is full of information: technical articles, shop tips, questions and answers by our panel of experts, plus classified ads for cars and parts.
  • National Meets - The Club hosts three National Meets each year (Eastern, Central and Western) and The National Club sponsors a Grand National Meet held every 5th year in Dearborn, Michigan (a very popular choice of members).
  • Roster of Members - Eligible members of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America, receive a national Roster of worldwide members. Our By-laws, Judging Manual, V-8 Times Index of Articles, Car Codes, Regional Groups and much more are listed therein for your review.
  • Online Forum - Our web site also offers a forum for you to ask questions and seek advice from other members. Visit the forun now to see our ever-changing information!

For more information, please email us directly at info@efv8.org