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New Member France 1941 Mercury
Jon Ben |
09-09-2023 @ 3:12 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: Sep 2023
Hi to everyone, my name is Steve I am English and live in France. I have a 1941 Mercury 8 I bought from California. We have strict rules regarding historic vehicles and have to have exactly what was available from the factory when the vehicle was built. The vehicle arrived without wipers and I bought an electric kit from the US and wanted to buy a wiper assembly. I have seen quite a few that state the kit is for 46-48 but will fit the 41 with alteration to the cowls. Does anyone know what is involved in the modifications please. Regards Steve
ford38v8 |
09-09-2023 @ 8:06 PM
Posts: 2775
Joined: Oct 2009
Hi Jon, Welcome to our Forum. What came from the factory for your Mercury 8 was a vacuum operated wiper motor made by Trico. They are available, and work very well when rebuilt correctly, which is not difficult. They have infinite speed control from very slow to fast, except while accelerating, when they go dead slow or stop, normal and nature of the beast. I personally would choose the Trico rather than to modify your car to accept an aftermarket modern electric.
Jon Ben |
09-10-2023 @ 3:12 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: Sep 2023
Hi thanks for that. Here in France we have a lot of rain plus I had to have some working for the test which we have every two years. As it is difficult to get parts here I chose to get the electric motor from the US and use European parts from a local breakers yard. I got it wired and set up but as most of it was guess work when I started it up it only cleared around a third of the screen. So I decided that as I had the motor if I bought the wiper assembly plus blades then I wouldn't be using guess work it should all work correctly. As I don't think I will find some original parts from someone splitting a car I looked at what was available and so the reason for my question as to how much work it will take to adapt it to fit. Regards Steve
Regards Steve
TomO |
09-11-2023 @ 7:13 PM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009
Steve, welcome to the Forum. I don't understand exactly what you need to make the wipers work. There are kits for the 1941 Ford and Mercury available from some of the suppliers in the USA. I understand that you bought a kit for the 46-48 cars and have mounted it in your car. You said that the wipers only cleaned about a third of the windshield. Did the sweep go almost to the center bar or stop well short of this point? Could you post a photo of the travel? Did you make sure that the motor was in the park (off) position before you installed the wiper blades? The kits that I have seen require that the stock wiper towers and operating arms are in place and working. Are you missing those parts? Please let us know the name of the vendor that supplied the kit. Please post photos of the windshield area that shows the wipers and an under dash photo showing the electric motor installed. A description of what parts you think are needed to make the kit work.
Jon Ben |
09-13-2023 @ 3:00 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: Sep 2023
Hi Tom Thanks for getting back to me. Just to clarify. 1. I bought the electric motor from Drakes. 2. I tried to make up the rest of the linkage (Pic 1) from spare steel and Citroen and Renault parts. 3. The motor is fitted (Pic 2 & 3) 4. Problem was the wipers did not travel far at all and looking at photos on page 3 of Drakes catalogue the ends were not correct. 5. I have asked Drakes of they do these parts but they only do the motors and the blades 6. The system that lots of people advertise is for the 46 to 48 and again if you look at page 3 of the drakes catalogue you can see the difference min does not have the rubber grommet type fittings. Hope that's clearer and if anyone is parting a 1941 mercury and they have these parts I would be really pleased to purchase them. Regards Steve
Regards Steve
Jon Ben |
09-13-2023 @ 3:08 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: Sep 2023
Hi Everyone Attached is picture of the car "Maud" as my wife has christened her as, to quote my wife she has a big bum just like my aunt Maud.
Regards Steve
TomO |
09-18-2023 @ 7:11 AM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009
I did a rear counter search and found a vendor that has new old stock pivot shafts in stock. From the photos and description of your problem, it looks like the arms are too short. Install one arm and move it so that the wiper is about 1 inch from the center divider, turn the motor so that the operating arm is at the end of its travel and then measure the length needed. If the arm is too short, you will have to make another and there is no guarantee that it will work correctly. I would go with the NOS parts and get "Maud" on the road again.
Jon Ben |
09-19-2023 @ 3:13 AM
Posts: 5
Joined: Sep 2023
Thanks for all your help Tom I'm going to follow up with these, what a wonderful site to have access to it does help if you have the parts numbers. Is there anyone who has a parts list book do you think. I will let you know how I go on with these two links Regards Steve
Regards Steve
TomO |
09-19-2023 @ 4:53 PM
Posts: 7264
Joined: Oct 2009
Here is a link to a vendor that has the 1939-1948 Mercury Chassis Parts catalog for sale: You might also find this CD worth while: I have worn out 2 of the 1939-1948 Mercury Chassis Parts catalogs and am on my second set of the books on the CD. I would buy 6the CD, but my days of working on the cars are over.