Posts: 452
Joined: Feb 2016
More than one photo can be added from your PC to a discussion by just using the CTRL key. If you have the photos on your pc (or device that you are using to post here) then enter your reply. If you look down, you will see the Image Attachment (max 5) and a symbol that looks like a camera. Below it is a button that says Choose File -- Click on that and you should go to your photo file. Find the photos you want to attach. Click on the first one --then hold down the CNTL key and continue to click on photos (up to 5 of them). (if you release the CNTL key before you are done choosing photos, only the last one will show up) It will take a minute or two for the photo files to download to the web server. When that is done, click on Submit Reply and wait for the message that says your reply has been entered. If you have more that 5 photos, just click Reply to the last discussion entry and add some more, following the steps listed above. And, if you dont like the photos you clicked, before you submit, just start the process over again -- using that CTRL key . Web Administrator
This message was edited by efv8CofAAdmin on 11-28-20 @ 9:14 PM