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EFV-8 Classifieds

CAUTION: Beware of Scammers. Please see our Classified Rules for more information. Cookies must be enabled for this page to function properly.

CLASSIFIED RULES: Users agree to these rules when using the Classifieds.
  1. Restrictions: No commercial, business or Ebay ads please.
  2. POSTING AN AD: You need to be Logged In to post a Classified Ad. If you are not a member, you will need to Create a New User Name and Password first. Enter website and on the Home Page in the masthead area at the top of the page go to SITE LOGIN area and click on "Create a New Account". A menu form "Create your Login Credentials" will pop up and you will need to complete the blanks and hit submit. Classified Ad Posting: To place a Classified Ad, you log on to the website and on the Home Page, in the left-hand Menu column, click on "Classified." The Classified Ad page will pop up. In the upper right-hand corner there is a link "Submit An Ad." Click on this link to submit a Classified Ad for sale or wanted. " Submit a Classified Ad" form will come up on the screen. Fill in the blanks. Be sure to select FOR SALE or WANTED, and also Automobiles, Memorabilia, Parts, or Tools and hit Submit to Preview. After Preview, hit Submit again and your ad will go to the Website Administrators for review and approval. Approval is usually within 24 hours.
  3. RESTRICTIONS: Postings of intent to sell Historical Documents, Titles, or "Bill of Sale Registration" documents are prohibited in the Classified section of the web site.
  4. CAN I DELETE MY AD AFTER THE SALE? You can go to the "Classifieds" and at the top you will see a tab to Manage Existing Ads. Click on that and make the changes you want. To DELETE, simply click on the small "trash can" picture to the right.
  5. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR AN AD TO BE POSTED? It usually takes from a couple of hours to 24 hours. We are notified, then review and approve the ads as appropriate. This has dramatically cut down on the spam and porn that was being posted on our previous software.
  6. HOW DO WE PREVENT SCAMMERS: Unfortunately, we cannot stop the scammers sending us strange or "bogus" offers. Everyone needs to be careful in dealing with incoming offers to make sure the buyer is legitmate. Be careful not to deal with anyone that seems suspicious, especially if they are from a foreign country offering more than your ad asks . . . and wanting you to send money back to them! Be careful.
Listings 1 - 8 of 8
Parts For SaleClassifieds
Posted By
Menominee, MI US
1934 brake shoes / pads
in ad
Rich Edquist
Arden Hills, MN US
1952-54 Overdrive
Bill Gillies
Normantown, WV US
1938 dlx clock
james parsons
Ford script starter solenoid
Michael Dutkiewicz
kingwood, WV US
Marvin Miller
Bristol , CT US
1932 Tudor Sedan body
Greg Scoville
millsboro , DE US
85 hp themostats
millsboro , DE US
ford parts book. original. green. bible 28-48 listings. trucks also
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