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Mike Kubarth, Lead Author
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JM |
03-21-2014 @ 7:03 AM
Posts: 823
Joined: Oct 2009
Mike, what is your estimated target date for taking this to the printer?
woodiewagon46 |
02-16-2014 @ 9:22 AM
Posts: 711
Joined: Nov 2012
Mike, not to change the subject, but the 1940 Standard Coupe featured in the Jan/Feb issue of the AACA, Antique Automobile Magazine is the most beautiful '40 I have ever seen. The article states that you had something to do with the restoration. Most people like the Deluxe model but this standard is fabulous! Great job.
TomO |
11-05-2013 @ 8:12 AM
Posts: 7294
Joined: Oct 2009
I don't know what type of information that you are looking for, but the Benson Ford Research Center has a lot of the engineering drawings as well as letters to the branches. You can visit the center in person and do the research or they will do some for you for a fee. Here is a link to their web page.
kubes40 |
11-05-2013 @ 5:53 AM
Posts: 3460
Joined: Oct 2009
PloughNman, I don't believe you'll get all of the information you are seeking from any parts book(s). Those will supply you with part numbers and application for SERVICE. As you no doubt are aware, service parts were very often different than the assembly line installed part(s). The parts book(s) may offer you some helpful illustrations but there too one must remember they are simply illustrations. Most of the Ford parts books do contain nice illustrations of the various generators and pulleys. I'd suggest acquiring a parts book dated closest to 1940 as possible. The later you get, the more service parts are listed, throwing off your research. These parts books are available on eBay or if a reprint suits your needs, most of the "usual vendors" have them for sale. As you suspected, that small - square regulator was used through the entire '39 production and in to 1940 for a very short period as well. The later rectangular design was utilized for service replacement beginning in (as I recall) January, 1940. One most often sees that type retrofitted on earlier cars as the square units are very scarce, having been obsoleted in 1940. Mike "Kube" Kubarth
PloughNman |
11-05-2013 @ 4:03 AM
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Joined: Nov 2013
Howdy All- I'm new here but have been a Ford Tractor man all my life. I recently read an older post from 2011 that had to do with the '38-'39 Voltage Regulator. I believe these were also used on the first early 9N tractors in '39 as well. Where can I get a Master Parts Catalog for '38 cars & trucks, specifically the info on the generator and all parts involved with the charging system? I am writing an article on the early 9N and need this info to add to the article. I have read the VR were used on the late 1938 Ford Dlx cars... 1939 Ford , Merc and Lincoln .... and early 1940 Ford, Merc and Lincoln however on the late 1940's the 3 terminal strips were of varying widths, where the 1939's were all the same width. Thanks. PloughNman
kubes40 |
11-24-2012 @ 3:06 PM
Posts: 3460
Joined: Oct 2009
Hi Alan, Very little referance to the Mercury's I am sorry to say. I know too little about them and the time & effort required to research them separately would be daunting at the very least. sorry...
Mercury8 |
11-24-2012 @ 1:43 PM
Posts: 16
Joined: Dec 2011
Hi Mike: Are there any plans to include 1940 Mercury cars in the book? Hope so, so many similarities, but some differences too. Any 40 Merc inclusions would, of course, be much appreciated. Thanks for your consideration, Alan Cutsinger RG 148
dbredman |
12-13-2010 @ 10:47 AM
Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2010
I couldn't agree more, and a picture is still worth a thousand words, and a color picture worth even more, so the more pictures the better. I'm sure you have limits on the amount of content and pictures you can include in the new book as far as it affects final price, but I for one would be willing to pay whatever it takes for the best book I can get. Good luck with it. Bruce
kubes40 |
12-12-2010 @ 6:58 AM
Posts: 3460
Joined: Oct 2009
The book project is moving along smoothly. It is worked on nearly each and every day. Target date? ASAP. LOTS of works yet to do... we want to offer the best, most thorough and well researched book to date. In my opinion, better we take the time necessary to accomplish that. I am always available to answer specific questions in detail. Best regards, Mike Kubarth
dbredman |
12-11-2010 @ 7:11 PM
Posts: 7
Joined: Jun 2010
Mike, I'm curious about how far along the new 40 book is. Is there a target issue date yet? I'm just beginning to do a coupe and would love to have the new book as reference. Thanks, Bruce