Topic: 39 and 40 Mercury windshield seal

TomO    -- 12-29-2023 @ 8:57 AM
  The seal has been out of stock for several years and I would like to see if there is enough interest in buying one to have them do a production run.

Here is the post from the Ford Barn:
Would you buy a Mercury windshield seal?
This thread pertains to 1939 and 1940 Mercury cars. The purpose is to determine if there are enthusiasts who need and would commit to buying (pre-pay) a new windshield seal for these cars. There is basically one manufacturer who produces these quality seals and the last production was close to 20 years ago. If there are enough buyers who would definitely purchase one, it might be worth it for the company to do a run. At this initial stage there are no prices to attach to the commitment, but a realistic "I'm in" is what is needed to move forward.

Please PM av8coupe on the Ford Barn with your response. If you are not a member of the Ford Barn, you can PM me and I will forward it to him.


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