Topic: Judges requirements change at Natl Meets

efv8kid    -- 10-15-2014 @ 7:12 AM
  I think the requirement of not having a car in the class you judge is senseless. As a judge, you judge a car based on "how Henry built it!" not one car against another. I don't think you should judge your own car (obviously) but you have multiple other judges with you and again your judging against a standard NOT car to car so there is no way, in my opinion, that anyone could "Railroad" someone else's car. Plus you are generally most familiar with the year car you own so your knowledge base is also higher. What does EFV8 member say???

trjford8    -- 10-16-2014 @ 7:39 AM
  The problem with judging in a class where you have entered your car is it can give the perception that you are in a position to influence the judges in that class. That influence may not be true, but with many people "perception becomes reality". The process must be as fair as possible.
As one who does not enter a car for judging, but judges at almost every meet that I attend, I enjoy judging different classes just to learn more about V-8 Fords.

ford38v8    -- 10-16-2014 @ 1:43 PM
  Wilma, it's about time you joined the Forum! Good to see you here and hope you post here often. Good to have lots of different ideas and opinions here. On this one, I do very much support Tom's very good explanation, in fact the best I've ever heard.


MG    -- 10-17-2014 @ 10:46 AM
  "Wilma"? If she's the Wilma I'm thinking of, I want her car...

efv8kid    -- 10-17-2014 @ 11:45 AM
  Certainly not to be argumentative by any means and understand the whole perception/reality platitude, my frustration is the fact that I am the YOUNGER member that the club is trying to attract and most all meets that I attend the fun for me (and my Dad) is to bring a car, support the club, and participate. I hate sitting around on show day because I can't judge in a class that I feel my knowledge and skills could BEST be served and goes to waste just sitting around all day. I feel as though if I were to help judge another year/class I would be of NO help because I don't know the difference between a 40 or 41 water pump or the correct carburetor for a 50 or 51. I feel that would hinder the judging process and take time away from the task at hand trying to educate me. I'm just saying its pretty cut and dry judging to a standard. There is a head judge and usually at least 6 to 9 other judges and I feel with that many minds and at least two other judges in the specified area, its very difficult if not impossible to "RAILROAD" another car.

ford38v8    -- 10-17-2014 @ 1:40 PM
  There need be no frustration, it's all about the fun of it, so bring your car, enter it in Display~Touring~Rouge, ...anything but point judged, and judge to your hearts content. There is also the possibility of your vehicle class having both open and closed teams, to which you may be assigned to the opposite team to which your car will be in. This option may be at the discretion of the Chief Judge, so inquire at the Judges table at the meet.


trjford8    -- 10-17-2014 @ 6:49 PM
  efv8kid, for a young person to ask questions while working with senior judges is exactly what we are looking for with younger people. As senior judges we want to educate our younger members. The more you learn the more you will want to learn about Ford V-8s.
We need young people "to carry the water" to keep this club alive. Recently I judged in a class where I had limited knowledge. For an old experienced guy I had lots of questions. You never get too old to learn and it makes judging fun.

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