Topic: front cab mounts

42oink    -- 01-24-2015 @ 9:32 AM
  I have a 37 panel delivery with cab mount braces that are rusted out. I started to make replacements, but noticed that bob drake has replacements for the 40-47 pickup. While not exactly like the 37's, I wonder if they could work. From the firewall to the door frame opening on my truck measures 16 1/4". Does anyone know this distance in the 40-47's? I know there is an angled step that supports the footboard on the 37, but this can be fixed. This is not going to be 100 pointer, just looking for a satisfactory repair. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I am really impressed with the answers and help given in the forum. Thanks from a backyard hobbyist.

42oink    -- 01-30-2015 @ 6:43 AM
  It's me again! After 80+ looks and no answer, all I'm looking for is someone with a ruler and a '40s truck apart that can measure from the firewall to the door jamb. Pleeease help! Is there someone who makes the 37 brace? Wouldn't that be nice! Here's hoping. Thanks again.

42oink    -- 01-30-2015 @ 6:45 AM
  It's me again! After 80+ looks and no answer, all I'm looking for is someone with a ruler and a '40s truck apart that can measure from the firewall to the door jamb. Pleeease help! Is there someone who makes the 37 brace? Wouldn't that be nice! Here's hoping. Thanks again.

This message was edited by 42oink on 2-26-15 @ 6:35 AM

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